Saturday 11 November 2006

The struggle is nature's way of strengthening ourselves!!!

I don't recall that during my entire existence that life turned her back on me. Today, it happened!!! The way I was hurt was demolishing, it used the blunt edge of the knife to tear my back. I can touch the sore it left on me, but I'm happy, yes I'm!!! I know that every day, I'll wake up, I'll see it and remember all the unbearable pain I felt and I'll remember who did it and how he did it, but I won't bear a grudge, I'll be just grateful ...

I need to live with it, I would like to bypass it but I know that in doing so it would make me so weak ... so weak in front of myself, so weak in front of my family in front of my friends and in front of my enemies those who tried their best to ruin my subsistence ...

Too weak even to survive!!!

Today, I decided that time has come to close that book and move forward, I know that it won't be an easy matter, I know that I lost my target, my ultimate objective, I have no plans ... But I'm not going to table it out, I'll leave the control to someone else ... I'm tired of making plans and strategies, today I'll leave to the nature / God and only - if need be - I'll make from time to time some changes with a very short run effect.I need to see what life is hiding for me ... I'm a believer, Yes I do believe that when it took the most precious and valuable thing from me, it was because it was preparing something better for me ...

Optimism: This is the power of human beings, even in the worst moments of their life, they keep in hoping and hoping that even though they are from inside struggling - God knows to what extent – our fate says that we need to suffer to strengthen ourselves ...

My unique self-evident truth today is that I'm seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, I'll walk away and make it whatsoever it would cost me ...


Anonymous said...

ienvenue à mon cher ami Yuk,
te voilà enfin du temps que je t'attendais ds la blogsphère..
pour le post, je vois que tu as su tiré les conclusions tt seul ( chose qui ne m'étonne pas de toi!).tourner la page est la meilleure chose à faire, et choisir un autre chemin est
d'autant plus que tu as toute les qualités humaines requises pour réussir un autre démarrage.
moi je suis confiante par rapport à ça..
allez bon courage et bon blogging

Hannibal said...

Welcome! :)

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